The broom grove
The brooms are mainly shrub formations widely spread along the slopes of Vesuvius, especially where there are natural areas in conversion, where the brooms are the main pioneer species, able to completely cover those areas originally bare, consisting of relatively recent lava flows or even areas previously affected by destructive fires.
In these environments, next to the common broom, we often find the broom of charcoal burners, which differs from the first mainly for the shape of the leaves, as well as other shrubs that help to form this characteristic cenosi, such as hawthorn and rosehip.
In connection with these formations are often present elements of Mediterranean scrub, symbolized here by the main species of reference: the Holm-oak.
Other pioneer species are also represented, but this time among the herbaceous, here arranged on an agglomeration of volcanic rock, there is the Helichrysum, flanked by the shield Romice and the red Valerian.
common name | scientific name |
Ginestra comune | Spartium junceum L. |
Ginestra dei carbonai | Cystus scoparius (L.) Link |
Biancospino | Cratægus monogyna Jacq. |
Rosa canina | Rosa canina L. |
Leccio | Quercus ilex L. |
Elicriso | Helichrysum italicum (Roth) G. Don |
Romice scudato | Rumex scutatus L. |
Valeriana rossa | Centrathus ruber (L.) DC. |